Make Your Own Chocolate Coconut Dessert Cups
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Turn an Aquaball water bottle into a mold for chocolate coconut shells. Fill the shells with a tasty coconut dessert like pudding or mousse.
Recipe type: Dessert
  • 1 clean, empty Aquaball bottle
  • Utility or Pocket Knife
  • Scissors
  • Clear Tape
  • 4 ounces chocolate almond bark, per coconut shell
  • Silicone basting brush
  1. Decide how tall you want your shell and fill the Aquaball with water to that level. Use a marker to draw a line around the water bottle at the water line. The water will help you get a straight line. Dump out the water.
  2. Carefully use a utility knife or pocket knife to cut the top off the bottle. This step should be done by adults only with knife safety knowledge. I am not responsible for any injury. *We didn't have any problems, but you can never be too careful.
  3. Once the top is removed, use the scissors to cut 4 slits in the bottle from the top edge to as close to the bottom as possible. The cuts should be at North, South, East, and West on the bottle. In other words, create four equal sections. The slits will enable you to remove the chocolate from the bottle.
  4. Use the clear tape and tape the slits back together. Tip: Use a small piece at the top of each slit to make the edges meet up, then use larger pieces of tape to seal up the sides.
  5. Make sure the bottle is clean and completely dry. Heat the Almond bark in a microwave safe dish for 30 second increments at 50% power, until completely melted. Stir between each melting.
  6. Use the silicone brush to brush the almond bark inside the mold. Make sure to cover the whole bottle. Refrigerate the mold approximately 5-10 minutes or until the almond bark is no longer glossy. Add another layer or almond bark and refrigerate until set. Repeat for a total of 3 layers of almond bark. Each layer doesn't need to be really thick, but it does need to completely cover. You do not want fragile shells.
  7. Once the third layer has set, remove the hardened almond bark from the fridge. Remove all the clear tape that is holding the mold together. Gently remove the chocolate shell from the mold. The chocolate should release from the plastic mold fairly easily. The three layers of chocolate should make the shell pretty sturdy. Still handle with care but I had no breaking or cracking.
  8. Time to add texture to the shell. Reheat the almond bark at this point, to make sure it is nice and fluid. Dip a clean silicone brush in the almond bark and brush on the outside of the coconut shell. You want a small amount of almond bark on the brush for the best result. The cold shell will allow the almond bark to set quickly. It adds nice texture and will cover any seams from the slits in the mold. Add the brush strokes all the way around the shell.
  9. Your shell is ready to fill with the dessert of your choice!
Recipe by Cute As A Fox at